Spiritual Growth – Like A Tree

spiritual growth like a tree

Growth is expected in life, and we are troubled by lack of physical growth’ We tend to be equally troubled by lack of emotional growth. What might be more troubling, however, is the lack of spiritual growth. An old commentator has said, “Ordinarily men in religion are what they design to be. They have about as much religion as they wish, and possess about the character which they intend to possess.”

“But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be the glory both now and to the day of eternity. Amen.”  2 Peter 3:18

Spiritual Growth Is Likened to a Tree

  • We must grow downward – getting roots down deep
  • We must grow upward – perfecting our relationship with the Lord
  • We must grow outward – ever spreading our influence abroad
  • We must bear fruit – such is a clear sign of health

Spiritual Growth Is a Continuing Process

There is no chance of perfection on earth.

  1. No one has ever grown as much as he or she could
  2. Few have ever grown as much as they should

The process must be a constant concern

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  1. We grow or we decline – a plateau is a decline
  2. How much thought and effort do you give to growth?

Spiritual Growth Is the Result of Specific Effort

We are commanded to do it. Growth is not something that just happens to us. Note the difference between physical and emotional growth.

  1. Physical growth just happens
  2. Emotional growth comes through effort

Spiritual Growth Is the Product of a Program

  1. It comes from exposure to the Word
  2. It comes from practicing the Word
  3. It comes from applying the Word to life

Spiritual Growth Involves Struggle

  1. Satan always opposes growth
  2. Some growth comes through the struggle
    1. We don’t like the problems in our spiritual lives
    2. Spiritual problems often lead to growth

Spiritual Growth Is Always Measurable

  • We tend to measure growth in terms of growth and knowledge
    • This may be the biggest problem in Christianity
    • Truth is meaningless if it is not applied
  • It should be measured in terms of conformity to Christ
    • Since we are not naturally like that, growth involves change
    • Change becomes a valid measurement of growth


Are you as old as you actually are? Does your maturity level match your chronology? Are you as old as you actually are spiritually? What needs work? Someone has said, “Growth shall prove your life.”

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Halley’s Bible Handbook – The beloved and classic Bible companion has been thoroughly updated, while retaining its time-honored features and Dr. Halley’s highly personal style, to offer even greater clarity, insight, and usefulness.

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