Spirituality – Submit Yourself to God

…easier to make subjective commitments than it is to obey the specific commands of Scripture. Genuine spirituality will take care of self-centeredness and worldliness. Click here to print or download

Delilah – Hebrew Seductress, Philistine ruler

…the importance of integrity, discernment, and the need to guard against compromising one’s principles for personal gain or manipulation. Strength and Accomplishments Persistent when faced with obstacles Weaknesses and Mistakes…

Daniel – God’s Plan for the Ages

…is symbolic of the age between the ascension of Jesus and His second coming. Click here to download or print the Bible outline “Daniel – God’s Plan for the Ages“….

Amos – Universal Justice of God

…and stand against sin. As you read Amos’s book, put yourself in the place of those Israelites and listen to God’s message. Have you grown complacent? Have other concerns taken…

Obadiah – One Who Serves God

…the announcement that disaster was coming to Edom. Despite their “impregnable” cliffs and mountains, they would not be able to escape God’s judgment. Obadiah then gave the reasons for their…

Nahum – The Judgment of Nineveh

Nineveh, the capital of the Assyrian empire, is the subject of the book of Nahum. The news of its coming destruction was a relief for Judah, who was subject to…

Jesus I Am Statements: I Am the Light of the World

…declaration, it’s crucial to comprehend the symbolic significance of light in the context of both Scripture and the human experience. Throughout the Bible, light is often associated with God’s presence,…

Habakkuk – The Just Shall Live by His Faith

…in stark contrast: a mystery to certainty, questioning to affirming, and complaint to confidence. Writer of Habakkuk Nothing is known about the prophet Habakkuk except his name.  Date Written Since…

Zephaniah – The Day of the Lord

…purifying the people. Though we live in a fallen world surrounded by evil, we can hope in the perfect kingdom of God to come and we can allow any punishment…

Paradise Lost – Paradise Regained

…that fellowship means that paradise is lost. In Paradise Regained he pointed to the plan of salvation that restores us to fellowship with God. Therefore, paradise is regained. In both…

Malachi – An Appeal to Backsliders

…the coming of the Messiah and John the Baptist: “I send My messenger, and he will prepare the way before Me.” (3:1). Writer of Malachi Although nothing is known about…

Cornelius – First Gentile Convert

…the God he was already seeking to please. When Peter entered Cornelius’s home, Peter broke a whole list of Jewish rules. Peter confessed he wasn’t comfortable, but there was an…