Priscilla & Aquila – A Godly Marriage for Ministry

priscilla aquila

Some couples know how to make the most of life. They compliment each other, capitalize on each other’s strengths, and form an effective team. Their united efforts affect those around them. Priscilla & Aquila were such a couple. They are never mentioned separately in the Bible. In marriage and ministry, they were together.

Priscilla & Aquila met Paul in Corinth during his second missionary journey. They had just been expelled from Rome by Emperor Claudius’s decree against Jews. Their home was as movable as the tents they made to support themselves. They opened their home to Paul, and he joined them in tent making. He shared with them his wealth of spiritual wisdom.

Priscilla & Aquila made the most of their spiritual education. They listened carefully to sermons and evaluated what they heard. When they heard Apollos speak, they were impressed by his ability but realized that his information was not complete. Instead of open confrontation, the couple quietly took Apollos home and shared with him what he needed to know. Until then, Apollos had only John the Baptist’s message about Christ. Priscilla & Aquila told him about Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection, and the reality of God’s indwelling Spirit. He continued to preach powerfully – but now had the full story.

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As for Priscilla & Aquila, they went on using their home as a warm place for training and worship. Back in Rome years later, they hosted one of the house churches that developed.

In an age when the focus is mostly on what happens between husband and wife, Priscilla & Aquila are an example of what can happen through husband and wife. Their effectiveness together speaks about their relationship with each other. Their hospitality opened the doorway of salvation to many. The Christian home is still one of the best tools for spreading the gospel. Do guests find Christ in your home?

Strengths and Accomplishments

  • Outstanding husband/wife team who ministered in the early church
  • Supported themselves by tentmaking while serving Christ
  • Close friends of the Apostle Paul
  • Explained to Apollos the full message of Christ

Lessons From Their Lives

  • Couples can have an effective ministry together
  • The home is a valuable tool for evangelism
  • Every believer needs to be well educated in the faith, whatever his trade or her role in the church

Vital Statistics for Priscilla & Aquila

  • Where: Originally from Rome, moved to Corinth, the Ephesus
  • Occupation: Tentmakers
  • Contemporaries: Emperor Claudius, Apostle Paul, Timothy, Apollos
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Key Verses for Priscilla & Aquila

“Greet Priscilla and Aquila, my fellow workers in Christ Jesus. They risked their lives for me. Not only I but all the churches of the Gentiles are grateful to them.” (Romans 16:3, 4)

Their story is told in Acts 18. They are also mentioned in Romans 16:3-5; 1 Corinthians 16:19; 2 Timothy 4:19.

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