John the Baptist – Prepares the Way for the Messiah

john the baptist

There’s no getting around it – John the Baptist was unique. He wore odd clothes and ate strange food and preached an unusual message to the Judeans who went out to the wastelands to see him.

But John did not aim at uniqueness for its own sake. Instead, he aimed at obedience. He knew he had a specific role to play in the world – announcing the coming of the Savior – and he put all his energies into this task. Luke tells us that John was in the desert when God’s word of direction came to him. John was ready and waiting. The angel who had announced John’s birth to Zechariah had made it clear this child was to be a Nazirite – one set apart for God’s service. John remained faithful to that calling.

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This wild looking man had no power or position in the Jewish political system, but he spoke with almost irresistible authority. People were moved by his words because he spoke the truth, challenging them to turn from their sins and baptizing them as a symbol of their repentance. They responded by the hundreds. But even as people crowded to him, he pointed beyond himself, never forgetting that his main role was to announce the coming of the Savior.

The words of truth that moved many to repentance goaded others to resistance and resentment. John even challenged Herod to admit his sin. Herodias, the woman Herod had married illegally, decided to get rid of this desert preacher. Although she was able to have him killed, she was not able to stop his message. The One John had announced was already on the move. John had accomplished his mission.

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God has given each of us a purpose for living, and we can trust him to guide us. John did not have the complete Bible as we know it today, but he focused his life on the truth he knew from the available Old Testament Scriptures. Likewise, we can discover in God’s Word the truths he wants us to know. And as these truths work in us, others will be drawn to him. God can use you in a way he can use no one else. Let him know your willingness to follow him today.

Strengths and Weaknesses

  • The God-appointed messenger to announce the arrival of Jesus
  • A preacher whose theme was repentance
  • A fearless confronter
  • Known for his remarkable lifestyle
  • Uncompromising

Lessons From His Life

  • God does not guarantee an easy or safe life for those who serve him
  • Doing what God desires is the greatest possible life investment
  • Standing for the truth is more important than life itself

Vital Statistics for John the Baptist

Key Verse for John the Baptist

“I tell you the truth; Among those born of women there has not risen anyone greater than John the Baptist; yet he who is born least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he” (Matthew 11:11).

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John’s story is told in all four Gospels. His coming was predicted in Isaiah 40:3 and Malachi 4:5; and he is mentioned in Acts 1:5, 22; 10:37; 11:16; 13:24; 25; 18:25; 19:3, 4.

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Believer’s Bible Commentary: Second Edition – A Bible commentary is a written, systematic series of explanations and interpretations of Scripture. Commentaries often analyze or expound on individual books of the Bible, chapter by chapter and verse by verse. Some commentary works provide analysis of the whole of Scripture.

The New Strong’s Expanded Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible – The best concordance for word study! This exclusive new edition of a legendary classic puts generations of biblical research at your fingertips. A valuable tool for pastors, teachers, and students of the Bible.



Vine’s Complete Expository Dictionary of Old and New Testament Words – This classic word study resource allows you to study the meaning of biblical words in the original languages without spending years learning Greek or Hebrew. A great resource for students, seasoned pastors, and anyone who enjoys biblical word studies–even if they have little to no formal training in Hebrew or Greek.

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Halley’s Bible Handbook – The beloved and classic Bible companion has been thoroughly updated, while retaining its time-honored features and Dr. Halley’s highly personal style, to offer even greater clarity, insight, and usefulness.

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