The apostle John had seen Truth and Love firsthand – he had been with Jesus. So affected was this disciple that all of his writings, from the Gospel of John to the book of Revelation, are filled with this theme – truth and love are vital to the Christian and are inseparable in the Christian life. Second John, his brief letter to a dear friend, is no different. John says to walk in the truth and obey God (verse 4), watch out for deceivers (verse 7), and love God and each other (verse 6).
False teachers were a dangerous problem for the church in which John was writing. His warning against showing hospitality to false teachers may sound harsh and unloving to many today. Yet these men were teaching heresy that could seriously harm many believers – for eternity.
Second John will take just a few minutes to read, but its message should last a lifetime. As you reflect on these few paragraphs penned by the wise and aged follower of Christ, recommit yourself to being a person of truth, of love, and of obedience.
Writer of Second John
Although the early testimony concerning the authorship of 2 and 3 John is not as strong as that of First John, they are nevertheless linked with John by vocabulary and general subject matter. In both 2 and 3 John, the writer identifies himself as “the Elder,” suggesting that he was older than the other Christians and that his personal knowledge of the faith went back much farther than theirs.
Date Written
During the Great Scattering described in Acts 8-12 (A. D. 40s). Possibly written from Jerusalem, since the apostles were headquartered there during the Great Scattering.
To Whom Written
To “the elder unto the elect lady and her children” (2 John 1:1).
Purpose of Second John
Second John is concerned with the relation of Christian truth to hospitality extended to those teachers traveling from church to church. Such hospitality was often abused. False teachers, probably from the same group in 1 John, were confusing the fellowship of believers. John, therefore, gave instructions concerning which itinerant teachers to welcome and which to refuse. Genuine Christians, who could be recognized by the orthodoxy of their message, are worthy of aid; but heretical teachers, especially those who denied the incarnation, are to be rejected. John also commends “the elect lady” for walking in the truth.
Historical Setting of Second John
Second John has none of the usual features of an epistle: no salutation or identification of author; no greetings; and no references to persons, places, or events. Ironically, although its format is impersonal, like a sermon or a treatise, its tone is warm and personal. This suggests that it was written to a broad audience (probably in and around Ephesus) that was very dear to the author.
Theological Contribution
Like the Gospel of John, the epistles of John are built on the foundation blocks of love, truth, sin, world, life, light, and the Holy Spirit. The epistles of John emphasize the great themes of knowing, believing, walking, and abiding. The keystone in the arch of the gospel is that God has appeared in human form. The incarnation is life; and this life is available in the Son of God, Jesus Christ. Fellowship with God is realized by knowing God and abiding in Him: joined to Him in righteousness, truth, and especially love.
Special Consideration
Many Christians wonder about John’s declaration, “Whoever abides in Him [Jesus Christ] does not sin” (3:6). This does not mean that if someone sins he is not a Christian. Indeed, in these epistles we are told that Christ came to forgive sins; and we are admonished to confess our sins to Him. The statement means that Christ has transferred us from death to life and has caused us to share in the nature of God. Consequently, we are no longer confined to darkness, because Jesus Christ has broken the power of sin in our lives.
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